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British MP Accuses Government of Misleading Parliament

Exclusive: Labour Shadow Foreign Secretary Says Government KNEW About Russian Interference in Brexit Referendum

Story by Sam Francis, Political Reporter, BBC News

One of Labour's most senior MPs has accused the government of misleading Parliament about what it knew about Russian interference in the Brexit referendum. Emily Thornberry, the Shadow Foreign Secretary, told the BBC that she had seen evidence that the government was aware of Russian attempts to influence the vote, but that it had failed to take action.

The allegations are likely to fuel calls for an independent inquiry into the government's handling of the referendum. The government has denied any wrongdoing, but Thornberry's claims could put pressure on Prime Minister Theresa May to launch an investigation.

The story is a major development in the ongoing saga of Russian interference in Western elections. It is also a significant blow to the government, which has been accused of mishandling the Brexit negotiations and of being too close to the Kremlin.

The story is likely to have a major impact on the upcoming general election. Labour has been calling for an inquiry into Russian interference in the referendum, but the government has so far resisted. Thornberry's claims could force the government to change its position.

The story is also likely to have an impact on the ongoing Brexit negotiations. The government has been trying to negotiate a deal with the European Union, but Thornberry's claims could make it more difficult to reach an agreement.
